Wednesday 30 April 2014

Be you & Believe in Yourself

Today I decide to write about being yourself. Back in January, I did a post on my fashion blog about style more particular about copying and taking inspiration of someone.  Here the link of the post: . This post  can complete the style post.

These days, is very easy to "copying" or want it to be like another person because  what they do work very well. When you think about it, if everyone will be like others, nobody will have a great career or be able to accomplish some awesome thing and  inspire some others.  Your model, whoever this person is, it can be a celebrity or your mother, cousin or brother, they are all unique and they are your model for a reason, like the accomplish something very awesome, their way to think, their hard work or even their personality.  I'm probably sure that everyone wants to be a model for someone else because you know that you do something great that you are unique and that you are who you are.

Be Yourself, is the most important thing in life.  If you go at a job interview, you want to show who you are  and you will do it  by your appearance and personality. Also, being yourself will make you feel happy and proud. If you don't like something about your personality or who you are, you can evaluate, but never forget who you are. Don't be someone that other want you to be, but be who you want to be and be yourself.   everyone is unique everyone have their own personality, have their own default and quality, is at you to show it.

Something that can help to be who you are is when you believe in you. If you believe in you and believe in what you love things will see more easy to do. Being positive, will bring you a positive day and a positive life.  Something that is sure, is people who have success at work and in life, they believe in themselves, and they are themselves.

Take  moment and think about the person around you  who have success at work or in life in general, who inspire you and who make you want doing something big, don't you think they are unique, they are themselves and  believe in themselves? If yes, you know exactly what you have to do. Be yourself and believe in you. Also, be proud of who you are.

Another thing I want to write about is haters and stuff like that. You have to realize that no matter who you are or what you do, in life  some people will love you, some others will like you, some others will hates you as others will just don't care about you. It's there everywhere you go. Don't let hates makes you down and make you giving up on your dream. Ignore them & work for your dream, prove them that they are wrong and that what you want will work. Also, don't let them make you stopping doing something that you like, continue to do it, if you stop doing something it's like if you let them win.  Be strong, ignoring them, being yourself, believing in you and be proud of you will make you stronger and stronger, happier and happier.

I really hope  you enjoy this post will help some of you who have to find themselves or need to read something positive or just a little reminder about being yourself.  If you have any advice about being yourself or believing in you write a comment below!  NEVER FORGET TO BE YOURSELF AND BE PROUD TO BE WHO YOU ARE.  People want to find someone unique...

What do you think ? Leave me a comment below! :) 

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